Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Intentional Dating

For all you married folks out there I am sure this is no new term for you!

Kyle and I dated for four and a half years prior to getting married so we were pretty good at dating, then we got married and life happened. Yes we live together and see each other every single day and night but there is something fun about actually making it a point to go out on a date.... a PLANNED date! Most nights we do whatever we want, clean, cook, work on photos, watch our shows, etc, etc. Lately we have tried to make it a point to really focus on our marriage. It is so important to stand guard against anything that could come against us.

The week of Christmas I had half of the week off and half the week after Christmas I had off work so Kyle and I were able to do a lot of fun things together. After baking a pizza one night Kyle and I had planned to go to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Before the movie we went to Barnes and Noble to look at some magazines and grab a Starbucks, while we were there we ran into my family and some other friends. We had such a fun night going out on our little date! :)

So all you married peeps out there get intentional about dating your spouse... its super fun! Cheers to a new year and a strong marriage! :)

Kyle suggested we get a peice of cheesecake too... I could'nt resist such a good offer!

Another fun thing we did while on break!