Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sad Goodbyes

On Wednesday my best friend Amanda flew away to Australia to do her student teaching abroad. We took her to the airport and hung around for a little while until it got closer to time and then we walked her to the gate, said our goodbyes, hugged and then we watched her walk away. It was so sad because while she was leaving she was crying and we were all crying.... ahh so sad. She will be coming back home on Dec. 11th and im sure a big group of us will go out to pick her up.
As for the rest of the week I have been babysitting and tying up all the loose ends on school stuff. Im officially a student at Vol State now and im going to get my Bachelor in Elementary Ed, if only I would have kept my major that in the first place I would be graduating!! Oh well I have learned a lot on my little adventure through college. This semester I really am going to try my hardest and get this over with... hopefully all my grades will be good! :) Ha I sound like a dork!
Last night I babysat Jack and Emily for the "last time" and they had bought me cupcakes for my birthday that will be on Tuesday and we all came over to my house bc my sister was having a party. We all had fun, the girls and Jack danced and ran around like little crazies!
Tonight I was going to go on a double date with my bro and his girlfriend and Kyle, but I remembered this morning that I have to babysit for a couple... at least I can still do dinner with everyone.
The pictures are from the airport and last night!